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Alternate Route for Perugia: Perugia – Assisi (2° leg)

Alternate Route for Perugia: Perugia – Assisi (2° leg)


From Piazza IV Novembre proceed to Piazza Danti. Following the signage, continue on to Piazza Piccinnino and then descend along Via Bontempi, one of the main streets in the historic center. After the Arco dei Gigli, turn right in Piazza del Duca and take the stairs down, passing under the arch. Continue down to the left on Via dell’Asilo and Via Enrico Dal Pozzo. At Via del Giochetto, continue straight past the imposing Templar church of San Bevignate on the right. At the Chiesa di Monterone and the entrance to the new cemetary, continue right along Strada Montevile, being careful of passing vehicles. At the signage, turn right on Strada Montevile – Via di Valiano (km 2.5). At the end of the descent, turn left. After this first stretch without a sidewalk, the remainder of the route continues along a pedestrian shoulder. At Ponte San Giovanni, continue right along Via Pieve di Campo (km 6): a small pilgrim hostel has been built next to the parish church here. After the railway overpass, turn left at the crossroads with Via Manzoni in the direction of Via Nino Bixio. At the traffic circle, continue straight. At the second traffic circle (km 7), turn right to pass over Ponte Vecchio. At the end of the bridge, descend to the left toward the bank of the Tiber River; take the walking path here. Continue until the signage directs you to climb to the right toward the Superstrada E45. Follow the unpaved road under the highway, passing the highway overpass. Continue on an unpaved road, being careful of the road work in progress. At the asphalt road, pass through the residential area then follow the signage for Strada Sant’Egidio and then Strada Vicinale Palombaio (km 12.1). At the crossroads, turn left on Via dell’Aeroporto and continue for about 200 meters. Turn right on Via Andrea Costa, marked by a shrine. At the crossroads, turn right on Via Enrico Mattei and pass through Bastiola. At the traffic circle, continue straight along Via San Bartolo and pass through the outskirts of Bastia Umbra. After the railway overpass, you will reach the Parco XXI Aprile. Enter the park, following the signage. Pass over the pedestrian bridge spanning the Chiascio River (km 18.6), picking up the asphalt road and arriving at Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini (km 19.6). Cross the piazza, being careful to follow the signage directing you to turn left onto Via Roma. Pass through this stretch dense with houses and businesses. Continue straight on Via Los Angeles to Santa Maria degli Angeli. Pass through the first traffic circle; at the second traffic circle you will see the Basilica Papale di Santa Maria degli Angeli (km 22.4), which holds the tiny Porziuncola chapel. This is an important stop, where pilgrims can take in the presence of Assisi’s humble saint and the Order of the Friars Minor. From the Basilica, take the strada mattonata—brick-lined road—which is one of the oldest stretches along Saint Francis’ Way. From here you will be treated to a beautiful view of your destination: the Basilica di San Francesco. Continue along the strada mattonata and, after a flight of stairs, turn left for Porta San Pietro (km 24.8) and Assisi. Cross the piazza to the Basilica di San Francesco, where your pilgrimage comes to an end at the Tomb of Saint Francis (km 25.2).

IAT di Perugia
Sala S. Severo – Palazzo dei Priori P.zza IV Novembre, 3 – 06100 Perugia
Telefono: 0755728937 – 0755736458 | Fax: 0755720988 | info@iat.perugia.it