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8° leg: Poreta – Trevi

8° leg: Poreta – Trevi


Exit the lower portion of Poreta, leaving the Comunanza Agraria behind you and heading slightly uphill to the right. At the first crossroad, continue left following the signage for “Campello”. After exiting town, descend to the left at the intersection with the strada provinciale and, following the signage, turn right along an unpaved road (km 1.20). This road soon begins to climb, curving to left. Walk along the dry stone walls, typical of the olive grove-covered Umbrian countryside, until you meet up with a quiet asphalt road to Lenano (km 2.65), where there is a water fountain. Pass the pretty shrine, also typical of the Umbrian countryside, continuing towards Campello Alto, recognizable by its light-colored circular town walls in the distance. Take Via Don B. Fabbrizi downhill to the left until you reach Campello Alto (km 3.45) near the Convento dei Padri Barnabiti. Follow the signage for Trevi, leaving the main road and climbing up Via San Silvestro. This climb has a steep stretch, which is thankfully short. After about 1 kilometer, pick up the easy unpaved road (km 4.5) and continue through monumental pines and terraces of olives. Begin to descend; you will see the large perimeter wall of the Franciscan Eremo delle Allodole in the distance. At the wooden fence, climb the trail that becomes a tractor track through olive groves. There are a few steep, rocky stretches, so pace yourself until reaching the Eremo delle Allodole (km 7) . Pass the hermitage, continuing along an easy tractor track until you reach the gate to a private property. Take care to keep left, skirting the fence to the right. After località I Falcioni, pick up the asphalt road which leads to località i Camponi, where there is a water fountain. You will see Bovara in the distance, the village where Friar Pacifico had his vision. Continue downhill, crossing the village of Alvanischio (km 9.6). After the crossroads, you will reach località La Croce; turn right and continue briefly along the asphalt road. At the yellow and blue signage, turn left on the unpaved tractor track and begin the last pleasant stretch to Trevi. After passing the perimeter wall of the Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime—worth a visit—you will reach Trevi’s historic city gate (km 12). Here you can either enter the town, exploring the winding alleys and stairways of the historic center, or pass the city gate on the left and continue climbing the road, skirting the old city walls.

IAT di Spoleto
P.zza della Libertà, 7 – 06049 Spoleto
Phone: 0743238920 – 0743238921 | Fax: 0743238941 | info@iat.spoleto.pg.it