info@francescosways.com +39 0758241011
075.9460055 (singoli e piccoli gruppi)
Brother Juniper from Città di Castello to Assisi
3 days on a bike following the tracks of St Francis from Monteluco to Perugia
Brother Leo from Piediluco to Assisi
Bike tour following the itinerary of St Francis from Piediluco to Assisi
Brother Bernard and the path of the Franciscan Protomartyrs
Weekend itinerary NORTH from Pieve Santo Stefano to Citerna
Weekend SOUTHERN itinerary from Piediluco to Spoleto
SOUTHERN ROUTE from Piediluco to Assisi
NORTHERN route from La Verna to Assisi
Brother Giles from Greccio to Piediluco
Brother Masseus from Bagnara di Nocera to Assisi
ONE WEEK BIKE TOUR from Greccio to Assisi
ONE WEEK BIKE TOURfrom La Verna to Assisi
SOUTHERN route from Greccio to Assisi
Week-end bike tour from Greccio to Assisi
Via Amerina from Perugia to Todi
Cammino di San Benedetto – da Orvinio a Subiaco
Via Lauretana
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